How to Use the Pokemon Showdown Team Builderopen in new window: A Beginner's Guide

Pokemon Showdown Team Builder


Pokémon Showdown is a website where you can battle other players using your own Pokémon teams. It's a great way to practice and improve your skills without needing to play the actual Pokémon games.

The Team Builder is a very important part of Pokémon Showdown. It's where you create your Pokémon teams that you'll use in battles. If you build a good team, you'll have a better chance of winning your battles.

This guide is for beginners who want to learn how to use the Team Builder to create their own Pokémon teams. We'll go over all the basics so you can start building great teams and having fun battling on Pokémon Showdown.

Understanding the Basics of Pokémon Showdown

Pokémon Showdown is a website where you can battle other players using your own Pokémon teams. It's easy to use and you can play for free.

Competitive battling is when players use their best Pokémon teams to battle each other. It's a big part of the Pokémon community and a lot of people enjoy it.

There are different formats you can choose from when you play on Pokémon Showdown. Some of the most popular ones are:

  • OU (Overused) - This format uses the most popular and powerful Pokémon.
  • UU (Underused) - This format uses Pokémon that aren't as popular as OU Pokémon.
  • Ubers - This format uses only the strongest and most powerful Pokémon.

You can choose which format you want to play in when you build your team using the Team Builder.

Getting Started with the Team Builderopen in new window

Getting started with the Team Builder on Pokémon Showdown is easy! Here’s how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Access the Main Menu

  1. Go to the Pokémon Showdown website.
  2. Once you're on the homepage, look for the main menu at the top of the page.

Step 2: Select the "Teambuilder" Button

  1. In the main menu, find and click on the button that says "Teambuilder." This will take you to the Team Builder where you can create your Pokémon team.

Step 3: Choose a Format

  1. Before you start adding Pokémon to your team, it's important to choose a format. The format determines which Pokémon you can use and the rules for the battles. You can pick from formats like OU, UU, or Ubers, depending on your preference.

Choosing a format first helps you build a team that fits the rules and makes it easier to plan your strategy. Now you're ready to start building your team!

Selecting Your Pokémon

Now that you've chosen a format, it's time to start adding Pokémon to your team! Here's how you can do it:

Adding Pokémon to Your Team

  1. In the Team Builder, you'll see a search bar where you can type in the name of the Pokémon you want to add.
  2. As you type, the list of Pokémon will narrow down to match your search.
  3. Click on the Pokémon you want to add, and it will appear on your team.

Importance of Team Composition

It's important to choose Pokémon that work well together on your team. Think about the different types of Pokémon you need, like physical attackers, special attackers, and defensive Pokémon. Having a good mix of types and roles will make your team stronger.

Essential Pokémon Attributes

When you add a Pokémon to your team, you can customize its abilities, held items, moves, and more. Here's a quick explanation of each:

  • Ability: This is a special power that your Pokémon has. Choose an ability that helps your Pokémon's strategy.
  • Held Item: Your Pokémon can hold an item that gives it special effects. Some common items are berries, plates, and choice items.
  • Moves: Your Pokémon can know up to 4 moves. Choose moves that work well together and help your Pokémon do its job on the team.
  • EVs and IVs: These are numbers that affect your Pokémon's stats. You can adjust them to make your Pokémon stronger in certain areas.
  • Tera Type: In Generation 9 formats, your Pokémon can have a special Tera Type that changes its type. This can be an important part of your strategy.

Keep experimenting with different Pokémon and customizations until you have a team you're happy with!

Team Composition Strategies

Building a strong Pokémon team is all about how well your Pokémon work together. Here are some important strategies to keep in mind:

Synergy Between Pokémon

Synergy means how well your Pokémon support each other in battle. Try to choose Pokémon that can cover each other's weaknesses. For example, if one Pokémon is weak to Water-type moves, you might want to include a Pokémon that is strong against Water types to help protect it.

Type Weaknesses and Strengths

Every Pokémon has a type, like Fire, Water, or Grass. Each type has strengths and weaknesses against other types. For example, Water is strong against Fire but weak against Electric. Knowing these matchups can help you build a team that can handle different opponents.

Importance of Balance

A balanced team is important for success. Make sure you have a mix of:

  • Physical Attackers: Pokémon that deal damage using their physical moves.
  • Special Attackers: Pokémon that deal damage using their special moves.
  • Defensive Walls: Pokémon that can take hits and protect your other team members.

Having a good balance will help your team handle different battle situations.

Example Strategies for Common Formats

Here are some simple strategies for popular formats:

  • OU Format: In this format, you might want to include strong Pokémon like Dragapult or Corviknight. Focus on having a mix of attackers and a solid defensive wall.
  • UU Format: You can use Pokémon like Salamence or Gardevoir. Make sure to have some Pokémon that can set up hazards or support your team with moves like Stealth Rock.
  • Ubers Format: This format allows the strongest Pokémon, so consider using legends like Arceus or Mega Rayquaza. You can focus on overwhelming your opponent with powerful attacks.

By thinking about synergy, type matchups, and balance, you can create a well-rounded team that can take on any challenge!

Utilizing Team Preview and Battle Mechanics

Once you have built your team, it’s time to get ready for battle! Here’s how to make the most of the Team Preview and understand some important battle mechanics.

Team Preview Phase

Before the battle starts, you will enter the Team Preview phase. This is when you can see both your team and your opponent's team. You can take a moment to think about your strategy and decide how to approach the battle. Look at the types and abilities of the Pokémon on both teams to plan your moves.

Choosing Your Lead Pokémon

The first Pokémon you send out in battle is called your "lead." Choosing the right lead is important! Here are some tips:

  • Look at your opponent's team and see which Pokémon might be their lead.
  • Choose a Pokémon that can handle their lead well. For example, if they have a strong physical attacker, you might want to start with a defensive Pokémon to take the hits.

Overview of Battle Mechanics

Understanding how battles work will help you win! Here are some key mechanics to know:

  • Switching: During battle, you can switch your Pokémon for another one on your team. This is useful if your current Pokémon is weak against the opponent's moves.
  • Moves: Each Pokémon can use one move at a time. Think carefully about which move to use based on the situation. Some moves can deal damage, while others can heal or set up traps.
  • Mega Evolution: In some formats, certain Pokémon can Mega Evolve during battle. This makes them stronger and can change their abilities or types. Make sure to plan when to use Mega Evolution for the best effect.

By using the Team Preview wisely and understanding battle mechanics, you can make smart choices during your matches and improve your chances of winning!

Saving and Sharing Your Teams

Once you’ve built a great team, you’ll want to save it for future battles. Here’s how you can save and share your teams easily:

How to Save Teams for Future Use

  1. In the Team Builder, after you finish creating your team, look for the "Save" button.
  2. Click on it and give your team a name that you’ll remember.
  3. Your team will be saved, and you can find it later in your saved teams list.

Importing and Exporting Teams

If you want to share your team with friends or use a team someone else made, you can import and export teams easily:

  • Exporting a Team:

    1. Find the team you want to share.
    2. Click on the "Export" button. This will give you a special code.
    3. You can send this code to your friends, and they can use it to import your team.
  • Importing a Team:

    1. If you have a team code from a friend, go to the Team Builder.
    2. Look for the "Import" button.
    3. Paste the code into the box and click "Import." Your friend’s team will appear in your Team Builder!

Utilizing Community Resources

There are many places online where you can find help and ideas for your teams. Here are some ways to use community resources:

  • Forums and Websites: Join Pokémon forums or websites where players share their teams and strategies. You can ask for advice or get feedback on your team.
  • Team Ratings: Some websites allow you to post your team for others to rate and give suggestions. This can help you improve your team.
  • YouTube and Twitch: Many players share their battles and team-building tips on platforms like YouTube and Twitch. Watching these can give you new ideas for your own teams.

By saving your teams, sharing them with friends, and using community resources, you can keep improving and have even more fun battling in Pokémon Showdown!


In this guide, we’ve talked about how important the Team Builder is in Pokémon Showdown. It helps you create strong teams that can compete in battles against other players.

Building a good team takes practice, so don’t be afraid to try different Pokémon and strategies. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at team building!

We also encourage you to join the Pokémon Showdown community. There are many players who love to share tips, strategies, and ideas. You can learn a lot from others and make new friends who enjoy Pokémon just like you.

Now that you know how to use the Team Builder, it's time to start building your teams and having fun battling! Good luck!