Everybot 2024: Revolutionizing Robotics for the FIRST Competition

Everybot 2024

The Everybot 2024 is making waves in the world of robotics, especially within the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC). Developed by the Robonauts, this affordable and competitive robot aims to empower teams, particularly those with limited resources. In this article, we will explore the features, components, and community support surrounding the Everybot 2024, showcasing its significance in promoting STEM education and robotics innovation.

What is Everybot 2024?

The Everybot 2024 is an evolution of its predecessors, designed to be both accessible and competitive. It serves as a versatile platform for teams participating in the FRC, allowing them to focus on building and programming without the burden of high costs. The Robonauts have meticulously crafted this robot to ensure that it meets the needs of diverse teams, promoting inclusivity in the robotics community.

Key Features of Everybot 2024

Chassis Design

At the heart of the Everybot 2024 is its chassis, which utilizes the FIRST KitBot design. This choice simplifies the building process, ensuring that teams can quickly assemble their robots with minimal hassle. The chassis is not only robust but also adaptable, allowing teams to modify it according to their specific strategies and requirements.

Scoring Mechanism

One of the standout features of the Everybot 2024 is its scoring capability. The robot is equipped with an efficient scoring mechanism that enables it to perform well in competitions. This includes a reliable intake system that allows for quick retrieval of game pieces, ensuring teams can maximize their scoring potential during matches.

Build Resources

To further assist teams, the Robonauts provide a wealth of build resources. These include detailed CAD files, comprehensive build instructions, and programming guides. By offering these resources, the Robonauts aim to streamline the building process and make it as accessible as possible for all teams, regardless of their experience level.

Components of the Everybot 2024

Intake System

The Everybot 2024 features an innovative roller claw intake system. This design allows for efficient collection of game pieces, enabling teams to maintain a steady flow of scoring opportunities. The roller claw is easy to construct and can be customized to suit different game strategies.

Climbing Mechanism

Another impressive aspect of the Everybot 2024 is its climbing mechanism. The robot is equipped with a telescoping system that enhances its ability to navigate obstacles and climb during competitions. This feature is crucial for achieving higher scores and demonstrating versatility on the field.

Launcher System

The Everybot 2024 also integrates a launcher system that is compatible with the KitBot design. This system is designed for optimal performance, allowing teams to effectively launch game pieces with precision. The combination of these components ensures that the Everybot 2024 is well-equipped for competitive success.

Accessibility and Affordability

One of the primary goals of the Everybot 2024 is to promote accessibility and affordability in robotics. The design encourages teams to utilize basic tools and materials that are readily available in local hardware stores. This approach not only reduces costs but also empowers teams to innovate and customize their robots without financial constraints.

Community and Support

Engaging with the Everybot Community

The Everybot 2024 is more than just a robot; it represents a thriving community of support and collaboration. The Robonauts have established a dedicated Discord community where teams can connect, share ideas, and seek assistance. This platform fosters mentorship and encourages teams to learn from one another, creating a supportive environment for all participants.


The Everybot 2024 is set to revolutionize the way teams approach the FIRST Robotics Competition. By providing an affordable, accessible, and competitive robot, the Robonauts are paving the way for a more inclusive robotics community. With its innovative features, comprehensive resources, and strong community support, the Everybot 2024 is not just a robot; it’s a catalyst for change in STEM education and robotics innovation. Teams are encouraged to engage with this project, utilize the available resources, and embark on an exciting journey in the world of robotics.