Essential Text Commands for Character AI Interactions

Essential Text Commands for Character AI


Character AI is a technology that allows users to create and interact with virtual characters in a fun and engaging way. These characters can have their own personalities, stories, and responses, making them feel real and relatable.

Using text commands is important because they help improve how users communicate with these characters. By learning and using these commands, you can make your conversations more interesting and dynamic. Text commands allow you to format your messages, express emotions, and create a richer storytelling experience. This makes your interactions with the characters more enjoyable and immersive.

Understanding Character AI Text Commands

Text commands are special instructions you can use when chatting with characters in Character AI. They help you change how your messages look or how they are sent. For example, you can make some words bold or italic, create lists, or even add links.

These commands make it easier to communicate and connect with the characters. When you use text commands, your messages can be clearer and more exciting. This helps create a better experience, making conversations feel more lively and engaging. Overall, knowing how to use these commands can enhance your storytelling and make your interactions with characters more enjoyable.

Essential Text Formatting Commands

Here are some important text formatting commands you can use in Character AI to make your messages stand out:

Bold Text

  • Command: **text**
  • Usage: Use this command to make your text bold. For example, if you write **Hello!**, it will appear as Hello!. This is great for emphasizing important words.

Italic Text

  • Command: *text*
  • Usage: This command makes your text italic. For instance, *Nice to meet you!* will show up as Nice to meet you!. It’s useful for showing thoughts or feelings.

Strikethrough Text

  • Command: ~text~
  • Usage: Use this command to cross out text. For example, ~Oops!~ will look like ~Oops!~. This can be fun for showing mistakes or changes in thought.

Highlighted Text

  • Command: `text`
  • Usage: This command highlights your text. For example, `Important!` will appear as Important! This is helpful for drawing attention to key points.

Underlined Text

  • Command: _text_
  • Usage: Use this command to underline your text. For example, _This is underlined._ will show as This is underlined. It can be used for emphasis or titles.


  • Ordered Lists: Use numbers to create a list. For example:
    1. First item
    2. Second item
  • Unordered Lists: Use symbols like dashes or asterisks. For example:
    • Item one
    • Item two
  • Usage: Lists help organize information clearly and make it easier to read.
  • Command: [text](URL)
  • Usage: This command creates a link. For example, [Visit Google]( will show as Visit Googleopen in new window. This is useful for sharing websites or resources easily.

Using these formatting commands can make your conversations more interesting and help you express your ideas clearly!

Advanced Text Commands

In addition to the basic formatting commands, Character AI also has some more advanced options you can use to get creative with your messages. Here are a couple of them:

Text Size Adjustments

  • Command: Use hashtags before your text to change the size. The more hashtags, the smaller the text. For example:
    • # Tiny text
    • ## Smaller text
    • ### Even smaller text
  • Usage: Changing the text size can help you emphasize certain words or make them stand out. You can use it for titles, subtitles, or to show a character whispering.

Dynamic Text Styling

  • Command: Some characters may have special commands that allow you to change the color of your text or add other cool effects. The exact commands depend on the character.
  • Usage: Unique text styling can help you bring your characters to life and make your stories more engaging. For example, you could have a character with a fiery personality who speaks in red text. Or a shy character who uses small, light-colored text. The possibilities are endless!

While these advanced commands are not as common as the basic ones, they can add an extra layer of fun and creativity to your Character AI interactions. Feel free to experiment and see what works best for your characters and stories!

Utilizing OOC (Out of Character) Commands

OOC stands for "Out of Character". OOC commands are special instructions you can use to communicate with the Character AI system or other players without it affecting your character's actions or dialogue. They are important in roleplay because they allow you to share information, ask questions, or give feedback without breaking the story.

Here are a couple examples of how to use OOC commands effectively:

  1. Asking for clarification or help

    • You can use OOC commands to ask the Character AI system for more information or guidance if you're unsure about something. For example:
    • OOC: Can you please provide more details about the setting?
  2. Giving feedback to the Character AI

    • If you notice something that could be improved, like an inconsistency in the character's personality or a bug in the system, you can use OOC commands to report it. For example:
    • OOC: The character's response doesn't match their previous statements. Could you please fix this?
  3. Communicating with other players

    • If you're roleplaying with other people, you can use OOC commands to discuss the story, make plans, or just chat without disrupting the flow of the conversation. For example:
    • OOC: Great idea! Let's continue this scene in the next message.

By using OOC commands wisely, you can enhance your roleplay experience and help create a more immersive and enjoyable story for everyone involved. Just remember to keep OOC messages separate from your character's dialogue to avoid confusion.

Enhancing Character Interactions

Text commands play a big role in making your conversations with characters more interesting and meaningful. By using different formatting options, you can help build relationships and show how characters feel about each other.

Building Character Relationships

When you use text commands, you can create a deeper connection between characters. For example, if one character is excited, you can write their dialogue in bold to show their enthusiasm. This helps other characters (and the audience) understand their feelings better.

Conveying Emotions and Dynamics

Here are some ways you can use formatting to express emotions and relationships:

  1. Emphasizing Feelings:

    • If a character is sad, you might use italics to show their quiet tone. For example: I really miss you... This helps convey their sadness.
  2. Creating Tension:

    • If there’s a conflict, you can use strikethrough text to show a character’s hesitation or doubt. For example: I don’t think we should go there... ~But I’ll follow you anyway.~ This shows their inner struggle.
  3. Highlighting Important Moments:

    • Use highlighted text for key phrases or important messages. For example: `I will always be here for you.` This can show a strong promise or commitment between characters.
  4. Using Lists for Clarity:

    • If a character is explaining their feelings or thoughts, you can use a list to organize their points. For example:
      • I feel happy when:
        • We laugh together.
        • We share secrets.
        • We go on adventures.

By using these text commands thoughtfully, you can create rich and engaging interactions between characters. This not only makes the story more enjoyable but also helps everyone understand the characters’ relationships and emotions better.


In conclusion, mastering text commands is really important for getting the most out of your Character AI experience. These commands help you format your messages, express emotions, and create engaging interactions with your characters.

By learning how to use these commands effectively, you can make your conversations more interesting and your stories more exciting. Don't be afraid to experiment with different commands and see what works best for you. The more you play around with them, the richer your storytelling experience will be. So go ahead, have fun, and let your creativity shine!